Year 12

Extension: Compare the demographic transition of Sweden with Mexico:
Which country best fits the modelCan you see any places where a country does not fit the model
Think about starting values
Think about the time taken to progress
Use and examine the differences between LEDC and MEDC countries going through the Demographic Transition.  Explain why the differences occur.
The rest of the website has a lot of useful information for the DTM.  Add to your notes.

Population Glossary - Key Terms Week 1

Infant Mortality Rate: A measure of the number of infants dying under 1 year of age, usually expressed as the number of deaths per thousand live births, per year.

Life Expectancy: The average age to which the population lives. It is expressed in years. Male and female life expectancies are often given separately.

Fertility Rate: The average number of children born to a woman in her lifetime.

Death rate: The number of deaths per thousand population per year, expressed as deaths per thousand.

Birth Rate: The number of live births per thousand population per year, expressed as births per thousand.

Census: An official registration of the number of the people, and valuation of their estate, for the purpose of imposing taxes, and other general statistics of a country usually made once in five years. (UK census 2001, 2011 once every 10 years)

Actual Fertility Rate: The actual number of children born per woman

Population Density: This is a measure of the number of people living within a square kilometre.

Doubling time: The amount of time for a given population to double, based on the annual growth rate. To determine doubling time, divide the growth rate as a percentage into 70. i.e., a growth rate of 3.5 represents a doubling time of 20 years.
E.g. Afghanistan has a current growth rate of 4.8%, representing a doubling time of approximately 14.5 years (70/4.8=14.5).

Population Websites: 

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